Queen's Mostly Autonomous Sailboat Team Wiki

If this is gibberish to you, read the Version Control page first. To keep things working smoothly, always commit your changes before pulling/updating. Pushing is optional if you are working on something solo, but generally recommended so others can see what you're working on.

Read: hginit.com

  • Navigate to your repository location
cd .. //(to go up a directory)
cd <directory name>
  • Get new changes from repository:
hg pull
hg update
  • Add any new files/folders to the repository
​hg add
  • See any changes since your last commit:
hg diff
  • Commit your changes
hg commit -u "user name you want to show up" -m "commit message - be informative!"
  • Push your changes to the repository
​hg push
  • This will prompt for you gmail user name and googlecode password (NOT your gmail password). Get this by going to code.google.com/u/<yourgmailusername> and click settings. You will need to sign in.